The program is focused on two main aspects: Amity Soirées and Connections.
Amity Soirées
These are a series of quarterly evening meetings around a meal that feature a Muslim and Christian speaker who discuss their perspectives on pertinent issues as well as beliefs. Participants will see two different perspectives of the same subject. These meetings will serve as the public face of the series and as an initial meeting place for participants. They will be encouraged to find one other family from the other faith community with whom they can participate in the Family to Family program.
Participants are encouraged to make a one-year commitment to regularly meet with one other family or individual with the purpose to Connect, Comprehend, and Clarify. This may be monthly, or as mutually agreed upon. They can also find a family/individual similar to their own, who lives nearby through the Amity Series website. A framework of discussion topics will also be presented on the Amity Series website to help guide their interactions if they choose to use them.